Mr Chris Dunn
Conducts an annual strategic review of the Presbytery Mission Plan in terms of the Presbytery Mission Plan Act, normally reporting to Presbytery on this each December.
Negotiates adjustments to the approved Presbytery Mission Plan in the event of substantial material change, liaising with national agencies including the Faith Nurture Forum through its Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group and the General Trustees.
Reviews those charges where tenure is not unrestricted (Reviewable Charges) under the Presbytery Mission Plan within two years of the approval of the Mission Plan and thereafter one year prior to the expiry of the period of tenure.
Reviews those charges placed in Guardianship at no greater than three yearly intervals. Liaises with the Superintendence, Stewardship and Finance and Property Committees regarding the viability of congregations, including the sharing of Local Church Review reports, property surveys, annual returns and any other relevant reports.
Mr Chris Dunn