
Welcome to the Ministry web page!

Whether you are interested in exploring whether ministry is for you, embarking on your training or already in ministry, the Ministry Committee is here to support you in Continuing Development, space to reflect and pastoral support.

What We Do

This committee provides ongoing support to Ministers, OLM, Auxiliary Ministers, Deacons, Readers, MDS and locally employed staff

  • Reports appointments and changes of MDS to Presbytery
  • Reports on study leave
  • Promotes vocations
  • Provides support and supervision for candidates of all ministries throughout training, including Graduate Candidates
  • Provides continuing ministerial development support for OLMs and mentors for readers.

Useful Information


How do we even start exploring whether God is asking us to work in one of the Church of Scotland’s ministries?

You could start by:

  • asking your Parish Minister or 
  • contacting Ministries Council on 0131 225 5722

Helpful information can also be found on the National website.


Starting out in training for ministry affects different people in different ways.  Some can’t wait to get started, whilst others are wondering if they read their acceptance letter wrongly!  As Candidates progress, there can be a range of challenges as they discover more of what ministry entails.

Candidates bring into ministry a range of experience and so are likely to find some areas easier than others.

The Presbytery Ministry Committee want to ensure Candidates feel supported throughout their training within their MTNs and by their Supervisors, Presbytery and the National Office.

Should you wish to clarify anything or need further support, please contact the presbytery office, who will be happy to help.

Pastoral Support Team

The Pastoral Support Team provides pastoral support for ministers and their families usually three times a year.  This usually involves a chat at the manse or other suitable venue picked by you with the Adviser you think you may connect best with.

The Team understands that ministry affects not only the minister but their families too and so this offer is extended to the immediate family who are free to choose their own Adviser.


Stuart Love

Rev Stuart Love
