Glasgow Close KnitPublished 13 Jan 2025

A project of the Presbytery of Glasgow with the LHM to mark Glasgow 850
The Moderator of Presbytery, Rev Janet Mathieson along with Rev Peter Gardner, Minister to the VIsual Arts community and Deacon Claire Herbert , Chaplain to LHM, invite individuals, church groups, community groups, school groups, groups of friends, work colleagues and everyone to take part in Glasgow Close Knit by knitting blankets, or squares for blankets or sewing squares together into blankets.
Finished blankets will be displayed as pieces of art in Glasgow and surrounding areas from the middle of 2025 and thereafter will be distributed by LHM to those who need them.
In this way in its 850 anniversary year we mark and continue the heritage of Glasgow as a city that cares for all, supports the most vulnerable and knows all people in Glasgow and beyond are Knit Together in the love that is the gift of God to us.
Come along to our Knitting Together event in St George's Tron, 163 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 2JX, on Saturday 22nd February 2025 between 11am- 4pm
Send pictures of your groups at work and finished articles to the Presbytery Office and/or Rev Peter Gardiner.