Garthamlock & Craigend

About Garthamlock & Craigend

46 Porchester Street, Garthamlock

, G33 5DB
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Garthamlock & Craigend East Parish Church was founded in 1956. The new church building occupies a central position in Garthamlock.

The church is also on a bus route, providing easy access to Craigend & City Centre. In 2009 our old Church building was demolished and we are now privileged to be enjoying a new multifunctional building, designed by the congregation to blend in with the regeneration works going on within the local community

Over the years we have built up partnerships with community groups and other churches in our area and hold joint services and events.

We have a number of Schools within our area and have really good relations with them. They attend the church at various times throughout the year and hold special assemblies or services. Our Ministry Team visit the schools regularly and we combine our talents and hold a Community Carol Service Together

We have served the local community for over fifty years and look forward to doing so for many more years to come. Hospitality is our best quality here at Garthamlock & Craigend East and we regularly host events which involve Food, Fellowship & Fun. A warm welcome is guaranteed!!

Charity No.
CofS No.
Worship Times
Sunday Morning – 11am